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WORK: El Rey de la Vida, 2018.
Single-channel video animation, 4K, 2 minutes.

Description: Cool 3D World, the creative duo of Brian Tessler (New York, USA, 1989) and Jonathan Baken (New York, USA, 1988), uses digital animation to develop stream of conscious narratives. El rey de la vida, created in response to The Garden of Earthly Delights, is a life story condensed into a couple of minutes.  

Inspired by the narrative richness of Bosch’s masterpiece, the video contains numerous scenes within scenes. A central character, seated on a velvet throne, gradually ages as events take place around him. Grotesque creatures, giant heads and humanoids populate the background and an elf-like figure revisits the protagonist at different stages of his existence. Surreal yet familiar, El rey de la vida is a digital tale of time, transformation and renewal.

Biography: Cool 3D World, the creative duo of Brian Tessler (New York, USA, 1989) and Jonathan Baken (New York, USA, 1988), uses digital animation to create stream of conscious narratives. Their tales often feature chubby men in underwear, humanoids or colourful animals, and harness the so-called uncanny valley, the aversion we feel towards animated characters or robots that are overly life-like.

Both members of Cool 3D World have backgrounds in music as well as digital animation, and their creations harness sound and visuals to provoke emotional reactions in the viewer. Since the pair began working together in 2015, Cool 3D World has amassed a huge online following and their artworks have been exhibited in Tel Aviv (Israel) and Madrid

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︎NAVE 16.MATADERO    ︎︎︎07 OCT—27 FEB